How to file Homestead in Atlanta, Decatur, and DeKalb

If you bought a house or townhouse/condo in the City of Atlanta, City of Decatur, or Dekalb County in 2017, this article is for you.

But, first. What exactly is the Homestead exemption? It’s actually a pretty great thing for the homeowner – the state of Georgia gives owner occupants (in their primary residence) a pretty substantial tax break. It actually reduces your property taxes on your primary residence by about a third. That’s HUGE!

So, two quick things about the homestead. First, you have to have owned your house on January 1st of any given year to apply for it. And second, once you apply, you never have to apply again – it rides with the house/townhouse/condo until you sell it. So, it’s also EASY!!! But, you MUST FILE by March 31st to receive the exemption for 2018.

For City of Atlanta (Fulton County) you can go here to obtain the homestead form and email it to them. You can also print and mail it or drop it by one of their four offices.

Fulton County Homestead

For City of Atlanta (DeKalb County) you can file here on line for DeKalb County and it will automatically file for you in Atlanta as well.

City of Atlanta (DeKalb County)

For Unincorporated DeKalb County you can file here on line.

Unincorporated DeKalb Homestead

For City of Decatur you can file here on line.

City of Decatur Homestead

For City of Decatur (DeKalb County) you need to file with both counties – DO NOT FOGET TO DO BOTH!

City of Decatur Homestead

Dekalb County Homestead

If your closing date was near the end of the year, the county clerks’s office may not have recorded the new owner info yet. When you receive the recorded deed in the mail, that’s your clue to go ahead and file.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at or 404-401-1460.

Feel free to forward this to others you know who closed in 2017.

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